Commissioner Felicia Franklin to give the opening address for TEDx TaraBlvd on February 22, 2021. The New Essential From Multiple Perspectives, bought to you by Motivational Speaker Dena Wiggins, honors the range of ideas worth sharing across industries, expertise, and lived experiences.
For more information on this inaugural TEDxTaraBlvd event go to: TEDx Tara Blvd . To view all of the speakers visit: TEDxTaraBlvd (@tedxtarablvd) • Instagram photos and videos

#CommunityBCC #ClaytonCounty #ClaytoncountyGA #TheBestOfClaytonCounty #TEDxTaraBlvd #BestofClaytonCounty #TheClaytonCountyPost #Tedx #tedtalk #feliciafranklin #denawiggins