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For Your Information Clayton County

The Clayton County Board of Education will conduct an in-person Work Session on Monday, November 29, 2021. The meeting, scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., will be held in the

Boardroom of the district’s School Administration Complex, located at 1058 Fifth Avenue in Jonesboro, Georgia. An agenda for the Work Session is below.


I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Ethics Statement

IV. Adoption of Agenda

V. Executive Session

A. Recommendations from Executive Session

VI. Updates to the Board

A. School Leadership & Improvement - Dr. Ralph Simpson

B. Safety & Security - Mr. Thomas Trawick

VII. Proposed Agenda from the Superintendent and Chair

A. Business Services - Ms. Emma Benton

1. Financial Report - Consent Agenda

2. SPLOST Revenue Report - Consent Agenda

3. Purchasing Report - Consent Agenda

B. Construction / SPLOST - Mr. Ronick Joseph

1. SPLOST Construction Report - Consent Agenda

C. Human Resources - Dr. Jamie Wilson

1. Personnel Changes Report - Consent Agenda

D. Communications, Public Relations & Marketing - Ms. Jada Dawkins

1. Proposed 2022-2023 Academic Calendar - Action Agenda

E. Board Matters

VIII. The Business Agenda (for Action)

A. Approval of the Proposed Board Meeting Agenda for December 6, 2021

IX. Adjournment

The public is invited to attend the Work Session; however, due to continued concerns related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus and its variants, visitors will be required to complete the district’s COVID-19 protocol prior to seating. The protocol consists of completing a survey and a temperature check. The protocol survey may be completed the day of the Board meeting by accessing the survey at The wearing of masks is required. Special seating restrictions may be in effect.

District and community stakeholders will be able to connect and follow the meeting by going to the district’s website at and clicking on the Board Meeting graphic on the home page’s scrolling banner.

Interpreting services will be available for stakeholders in Spanish and Vietnamese. Anyone wishing access to these services should register in advance of the Work Session. Those registering will receive an email containing instructions on joining the meeting. Interpreting services can be accessed using the following link:

Spanish Registration Link:

Vietnamese Registration Link:

Individuals who are unable to view the meeting’s live stream will be able to access the recorded meeting on the district’s official platforms (website, Facebook, Youtube, and Channel 24, which is available to Clayton County Comcast subscribers only) following the meeting.



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